The Federation of Iowa Insurers represents life insurance, health insurance, and financial services companies doing business in Iowa. We educate consumers, business leaders, and legislative and regulatory policymakers. We maintain a constant presence at the Iowa State Capitol during the legislation session to work with state policymakers whom continue to pursue legislative and regulatory steps to elevate Iowa’s ranking to tops in the nation.
We protect customers through high-value insurance, financial services, and health care programs. Iowa’s insurance workforce will always work hard to protect customers; our insurance worker productivity expanded at a compound annual growth rate of 11.0% compared to 6.6% in the U.S. As such, Iowa ranked number twelve in terms of increasing concentration of insurance jobs between 2014 and 2022 by increasing its LQ by 0.06 during the time. Did you know the top county in Iowa for insurance productivity is Decatur while Dallas tops the list in terms of share of total Iowa county jobs in insurance?
We provide competitive employment opportunities and financial support for community programs, enhancing quality of life for Iowans across the state. Did you know 100% of Federation member companies have professional and leadership development programs, while 95% have both internship programs and tuition reimbursement programs. Additionally, Federation member companies value health and wellness as a top priority, with 100% of Federation members offering employee assistance programs and employee benefit for fitness/wellness.
Iowa is an international insurance and financial services powerhouse. The state’s industry employs more than 44,000 people with a $3.5 billion annual payroll. Many of those companies are headquartered in Des Moines, which has been named the world’s #3 insurance capital after Hartford, Connecticut and New York City.